• JENNIFER M. PORTER posted an update in the committee Committee logo of Young LawyersYoung Lawyers 5 years, 3 months ago

    Dear YLC’ers!

    We are excited to announce that our Spring 2019 YLC Thursday Night Bash has been booked! S-E-A Ltd. has again generously agreed to sponsor a portion of our Happy Hour. Come early and prepare to imbibe!

    Space is limited so be sure to RSVP to Lindsay Sakal asap! Details below and invoice and flyer and invoice are being uploaded to the MLA website:

    Date: May 2, 2019
    Time: Cocktails @ 6:30 (portion of which sponsored by S-E-A Ltd.) followed by Cash bar: Dinner @ 7:30
    Location: Papillon (yes, it’s a repeat) @ 22 East 54th
    After Party: TBD
    RSVP & Payment: $75 to Lindsay Sakal ([email protected]) no later than April 22, 2019 via PayPal, Venmo or Check.

    We look forward to seeing you all in May.

    Your Friendly YLC Cruise Directors,

    Jennifer Porter, Chair
    Imran Shaukat, Vice Chair
    Peter Black, Secretary