Before preparation of your request, Section 702 of the By-Laws should be reviewed. Please realize that participation by the Association is sparingly authorized. Further, the reputation enjoyed by the Association is dependent upon the highest standards of scholarship and professionalism. This request must be filed immediately upon receipt of the Order or Opinion to be reviewed, and must be submitted with the below information, in triplicate, to the MLA President with enclosures as required by Section 702.2, via E-MAIL.

1.   Style of case in which review is sought:

2.   Party you represent:

3.    Date of Order/Judgment that review is sought:

(a) Is this a final judgment: ___ yes  ___no,

(b) If not a final judgment, please state the status of the case below.

(c) Do you request Petition for Cert, Brief on merits or both?

4. The Court in which review is sought and date that your brief is due:

5. If your amicus request is accepted by the Association – when would amicus curiae brief be due:

6. State succinctly the issue or issues involved (702.2)

7. State why the MLA should participate (702.2)

8. State what criteria (702.3) should be considered by the Association in determining participation in the amicus brief:

9. State the date that a copy of this Request with enclosures was delivered to opposing counsel. (Method of delivery shall be the same method as this Request):

(a) state the name and address of opposing counsel and the party or parties represented,

(b) has opposing counsel consented to the filing of an amicus brief by the Association?

If yes, please attach consent.

10. E-MAIL all lower courts’ decisions, including any Appendix (702.2)

