JENNIFER M. PORTER posted an update in the committee Young Lawyers 7 years, 3 months ago
Dear YLC’ers,
We are looking forward to an eventful and informative Fall MLA Meeting in Napa! We already have a great group of Young Lawyers signed up and hope that many more of you will take advantage of the Early Registration deadline extension.
Our meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, October 19th from 4-5 p.m. An agenda will be circulated in advance of the meeting but we look forward to having a thought-provoking panel on the future of the maritime industry and advice on building a successful, long-lasting career. We will also discuss committee-specific business.
We will plan to reconvene the discussion at a watering hole in downtown Napa after the Artesa Winery event on Thursday evening. Location TBD.
See you in wine country!
Thank you,
Your YLC Committee
Jennifer Porter, Chair
Imran Shaukat, Vice Chair
Kasee Sparks Heisterhagen, Secretary
Trial coment for doc.