Fall 2020 Committee on Marine Insurance and General Average Meeting Announcement and Agenda
Dear Committee Members:
As the MLA has already announced, the Fall 2020 meetings will be by video conference—by Zoom, in the case of our committee.
The Committee on Marine Insurance and General Average will be meeting between 11:00 a.m. and 12:45 p.m. E.S.T. on November 4, 2020.
Please e-mail both Committee Secretary Michelle Castle and me by the end of business on November 2, 2020, at michelle.castle@everestre.com and at adk@tradeandcargo.com, to confirm whether you wish to attend the meeting.
Shortly before the meeting, I will e-mail a calendar invitation with a Zoom link, which will also include dial-in numbers, along with a password and instructions. Please do not share the password or place it in a publicly-accessible location. The invitation will include the forms members need to receive CLE credit, and those forms will also be available on our Committee’s page. Thank you.
Andy Kehagiaras, Chair
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