MLA CoCoG and CMI – Joint Meeting – May 2016
I am re-circulating because the form below is NY CLE compliant. It will make it easier for those who want to apply for CLE credits in another jurisdiction.
The session runs from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm on Wednesday, May 4 in the Beekman Conference Room at the Hilton Midtown.
A comparative analysis of how courts in different countries deal with Jurisdiction and Arbitration Clauses in Bills of Lading and Other Sea Carriage Documents
CMI Rotterdam Rules IWG and the MLA Carriage of Goods by Sea Committee
The session focuses on a classic problem of jurisdiction and arbitration clauses in a transport document. It examines whether and to what extent jurisdiction and arbitration clauses are enforceable in each jurisdiction and how the situation might be affected when the Rotterdam Rules enter into force – including whether each state is likely to opt-in the chapters on jurisdiction and arbitration.
Each of the panelists will provide a short history of how their country has viewed jurisdiction and arbitration clauses, how currently the legislator and the courts in that country are viewing jurisdiction and arbitration clause and they will handle these clauses in the future.
The panelists are chosen taking into account of geographic diversity and different legal tradition (common law/civil law).
After each panelist has had the opportunity to present, Michael Sturley will moderate a discussion among the panelists with respect to the issues that may be raised in their speech.
Chairs: Susan M Dorgan and Tomotaka Fujita
National and Regional Reports 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Ricardo Rozas – Chile
V.J. Matthew – India
Maria Dragun Gertner – Poland and EU
Sarah Derrington – Australia
Tomotaka Fujita – Japan
Susan M Dorgan – U.S.
Chester Hooper – Rotterdam Rules
Steve Miller (US Department of State) – The US and the Rotterdam Rules
Panel Discussion with Hypothetical Case 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm
Moderator: Michael Sturley
The Maritime Law Association of the United States (“MLA”) has been certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board as an Accredited Provider of continuing legal education in the State of New York. The MLA will issue CLE credits to New York attorneys who attend the program. The number of credits that can be earned for attendance at this session is 2 CLE credits in Areas of Professional Practice. Attorneys from states other than New York may be entitled to CLE credits for attending the program and must contact their states’ CLE boards regarding obtaining CLE credits. This program is appropriate for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys.
Susan M. Dorgan, Esq.
Specialty Lines Recovery Lead, Global Recovery Services
Claims Operations│Global Claims & Operations
80 Pine Street- 22nd Floor, New York, NY 10005
Tel +1 646 857 0104 | Cell +1 347 749 3581 |
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