Marine Torts and Casualties’s Docs Fall 2022 Meeting MLA Marine Torts & Casualties Committee - Fall 2022 Preliminary Meeting Agenda

The preliminary agenda for our Committee’s in-person meeting as part of the MLA Fall 2022 meeting at the Hotel del Coronado, Coronado, California, at 1500 hrs PST on Thursday, 27 October 2022 is attached/linked.  It is our current understanding there is no WiFi in the conference room at the hotel to enable us to livestream this meeting. If this changes, or there’s strong enough cell signal to support a simple Zoom call or videoconference, I’ll update our committee via e-mail blast, likely on Wednesday, 26 October 2022.  I look forward to seeing you later this month and welcome any questions or comments you may have.  We have been trying to secure a speaker, thus far without firm success, from the Navy, as to the SEALs (whose west coast base is just down the street from the hotel) or as to general Naval vessel operations at Naval Base San Diego.  If we succeed in this realm, I’ll send out an e-mail blast and/or updated agenda.  If you have a good contact within the Navy who may be able to assist me in this endeavor, please send me a private e-mail.

Many thanks,

Fred Goldsmith
Chair, Marine Torts & Casualties Committee