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    The New York State Bar Association is offering a free (for members) 1-hour webinar on current developments in recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in New York’s state and federal courts.  Details of the event are below.  Registration is required.

    Nov. 29, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Webinar

    When Arbitration Goes to New York Courts: Recent Developments in the Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards 

    Presented by the IDR and Arbitration Committees Free for NYSBA Members to attend.

    In this 60-minute webinar, experienced counsel will take you on a tour of recent cases from New York’s federal and state courts concerning the recognition and enforcement of domestic and international arbitration awards, bringing you up to speed on the latest developments in the manifest disregard of the law doctrine as well as trends in the treatment of awards annulled at the seat of arbitration. The central importance of award enforcement makes new developments highly relevant to all aspects of arbitration practice.


    Frances Bivens, Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP

    Derek Soller, Baker McKenzie LLP


    Rekha Rangachari, New York International Arbitration Center (“NYIAC”) Executive Director (DRS Arbitration Committee Co-Chair)



    I am a member of the MLA, as well as the SMA.   I would like to attend this webinar, but I am not finding how to register for it on the MLA site.

    You may see my website at
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    James D. Jones    804-929-2224</div>
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