• JASON R. HARRIS posted an update in the committee Committee logo of SalvageSalvage 8 years ago

    The MLA’s fall meetings will be in New Orleans during the Tulane Admiralty Law Institute’s 50-year celebration Wednesday October 26th – Friday October 28th.
    The Salvage Committee is pleased to offer one hour of CLE credit hour during our meeting on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27 at 3pm (Central) on the 27th floor of the Pan American Life Building, 601 Poydras Street at the law offices of Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard.
    We will examine a marine casualty scenario with salvage aspects (vessel-bridge allision, bridge debris falling onto the ship and into the water, ship grounds and releases fuel along the coastline) from the lenses of a P&I Club claims counsel, an international marine salvor, and an environmental scientist.

    Our presenters are:
    George J. Tsimis, Senior Vice President – General Counsel & Global Claims Director, American Club – New York
    Elias Psyllos, Commercial Manager, T&T Salvage – Galveston, Texas
    Dagmar Schmidt Etkin, PhD, Environmental Research Consulting – New York

    The scholarly CLE materials in support of the presentation have been prepared by Tulane law students Hamzah Kahn and Guyer Bogen.

    In order to try to gauge attendance, your RSVP to me is greatly appreciated (though not required in order to attend). Thank you and I look forward to seeing you in October.