• K. BLYTHE DALY posted an update in the committee Committee logo of Young LawyersYoung Lawyers 8 years, 5 months ago

    This year’s fall MLA meeting will be held in New Orleans October 26 – 28 in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of the Tulane Admiralty Law Institute. A link to the Tulane Admiralty Law Institute Fall 2016 brochure can be found here: /event/mla-2016-fall-meeting/. The brochure and registration can also be accessed here: http://www.law.tulane.edu/ali.

    Of note, the YLC will hold a committee meeting on Wednesday from 5:00 – 6:00 to discuss committee-specific business and issues. An agenda will be circulated in advance of the meeting.

    On Thursday, the YLC will reconvene its meeting at Pat O’Brien’s from 6:00 – 9:00 where the ALI has graciously arranged for dinner and an open bar. The cost of the event has been generously subsidized by S-E-A Limited and registration is $50. A flyer with more information about the event has been posted to the MLA YLC Committee webpage. There is, however, a glitch on the online registration page which only enable the registrant to make one selection. If you plan to register online, please register for the conference itself first and then email Kimberly Bieniemy ([email protected]) and ask her to add the dinner to your registration for an additional $50. Alternatively, you can print the brochure and register via mail.

    We look forward to seeing many members of the YLC in New Orleans.