Our Oceans’s Docs Fall MLA 2022 - Joint Meeting Agenda - Our Oceans and Cruise Lines & Passengers Committees

Dear Committee Members, I hope to see each of you in San Diego later this month.  In addition to the excellent lineup of social and evening activities, the MLA Fall Meeting agenda includes a full slate of CLE provided by the Pacific Admiralty Seminar.

Our committee will be meeting jointly with the Cruise Lines & Passengers Committee on Thursday, Oct. 27 from 1300-1400 hrs. at the Hotel Del Coronado, immediately prior to a presentation by Chief Counsel and Judge Advocate General of the USCG, Rear Admiral Melissa Bert.  Attached is our joint meeting agenda.  Gard CEO Rolf Thore Roppestad’s presentation will include his observations as to oceans-related developments, and Phil Buhler will present on Arctic concerns and the current regulatory environment and issues with passenger vessel operations in the Arctic.  Please let me know if you have questions or suggestions regarding committee business, and to the extent you are interested in becoming more actively involved with our committee, please speak with me in San Diego or contact Eva-Maria Mayer or me in advance.  Thank you.  I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks!


Sean Houseal, Chair