UNIDROIT–2013 Report on Ships and Maritime Transport Equipment
In advance of the Marine Financing Committee’s joint meeting on May 4th at 2:00 p.m. with the CMI IWG on Ship Financing Practices, I have posted the UNIDROIT 2013 report on the possible preparation of a separate Cape Town Convention Protocol for ships and maritime transport equipment (thanks to John Bradley for bringing this to my attention). I highly recommend that you review the report before attending the meeting for background on the topics that our panels will address. In addition, Stuart Hetherington’s article in the Tulane Maritime Law Journal entitled “The CMI and the Panacea of Uniformity–An Elusive Dream” (39 Tul. Mar. L.J. 159 2014-2015) gives an excellent description of the work of the CMI. I look forward to seeing many of you in NYC. Best regards, Margie Krumholz
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