Carriage of Goods’s Docs Carriage of Goods Committee Meeting Agenda - May 1, 2024

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am attaching the agenda for our meeting in New York on Wednesday, May 1, which will be held in the offices of BLANK ROME LLP (1271 Avenue of the Americas) from 2:30 – 4:00 pm.  Please use the following link to confirm your attendance:

In order to ensure that you are identified on the attendance list at the Security Desk, please ensure you register no later than 29 April.

For those of you who attended either or both of our ZOOM meetings in March and April, we have received notice from David MALOOF that he wished to withdraw both the proposed Statutory Fix to US COGSA and the resolution setting a timeline for adoption of the Rotterdam Rules from consideration.   While we respect David MALOOF’s request, a number of Committee members have expressed interest in continuing the discussion engendered by those proposals, so that the Committee might help chart a course toward adoption of Rotterdam.

At our meeting, we will review the issues raised during our March and April meetings, the steps that the Association’s ad hoc Rotterdam Rules team has taken to advance their adoption, hear comments regarding the approach other non-signatory countries have with regard to adoption of Rotterdam, and consider what we might do as a Committee going forward.

I look forward to seeing you all on May 1st

Best regards, Mark